Tales of a Disgruntled Graduate: A View from the Front Lines of the Post-College Job Hunt

Editor’s Note: We are pleased to present Jennifer Gabrielle’s take on navigating the post-college job market. Jennifer’s “Tales of a Disgruntled Graduate” provide an insightful and sometimes painfully humorous look at the job prospects of the liberal arts college graduate.

About the Author
Jennifer graduated from Smith College in May 2006 and moved a whole street away from her campus residence in Northampton, MA. Office manager by day, freelance writer by night, Jennifer has focused her writing so far on the ABCs of the twenty-something lifestyle: adventures, beginnings, and choices. Some of her current interests include house plants, cocktails, chasing bats out of her apartment with a broom, and talking to strangers. You can read more of her adventures at http://jcgabrielle.vox.com.

Blog Introduction: Three Foreign Languages, Zero Jobs

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Job: Capturing the Attention of a Potential Employer

Job Non-Descriptions: Deciphering the Hiring Code

Writing Cover Letters: The Convergence of Art and Science

Apply Yourself: Don’t Be as Generic as The Forms You Encounter

The Interview: Romancing the Manager

This Just In: Unemployment Sucks

Temporary Work: Alphabetizing Your Future

Resume Advice: From the Tedious to the Powerful

Career Advice: Grin and Bear It

The Career Test: Part I

The Career Test: Part II

Volunteering for Experience: Makeovers on the Fly