About the Book
Resumes from Hell is a book-length collection of the worst (and funniest) resume mistakes we've ever seen.
Here's the initial back cover blurb:
Some resumes are good, some are bad, and some are simply from Hell. The all-too-real resumes in this book were no doubt written with the best of intentions, but a job search can be a misadventure. A wacky resume is a sure-fire way to derail your job application and slip from the interview pile into the "joke file." In this illustrated "how not to," former recruiters Jon Reed and Rachel Meyers open up their own joke files, and share highlights from the worst (and funniest) resumes they ever received. From "Questionable References" to "Hostile Email Interactions," Jon and Rachel take the reader through more resume mishaps and job search meltdowns than they ever knew existed, sneaking in a bit of job search wisdom on the fly. The resumes in this book have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, but Resumes from Hell is proof that truth is still stranger - and funnier - than fiction.
To learn more about how Resumes from Hell was published, check out our how the book was published section.
If you'd like to see some early reviews of the book, see the reviews section.
Resumes from Hell is published by eCruiting Alternatives, Inc., a niche publishing and content development company owned by Jon and Rachel that is based in Northampton, Massachusetts.
We welcome reader comments at comments@resumesfromhell.com.